Officially...John Janelle Backman (she/her) writes about gender identity, ancient spirituality, the everyday strangeness of karma, and whatever else comes to mind. Janelle’s work has appeared in such journals as Catapult, the tiny journal, HerStry, Tiferet Journal, Psaltery & Lyre, and Amethyst Review, garnering a couple of Pushcart nominations and making contest shortlists along the way. She's also the author of Why Can’t We Talk? Christian Wisdom on Dialogue as a Habit of the Heart (SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2012).
Personally…Over the past few years I've melded my longtime devotion to mystical Christianity with a burgeoning Zen practice. For the time being, I use the word nonbinary to describe my gender, though bigender and genderfluid work too. In addition to writing, I live with my beloved wife and animals, serve as spiritual director to the occasional seeker, and daily seek out the spirit who never fails to surprise me.
Personally…Over the past few years I've melded my longtime devotion to mystical Christianity with a burgeoning Zen practice. For the time being, I use the word nonbinary to describe my gender, though bigender and genderfluid work too. In addition to writing, I live with my beloved wife and animals, serve as spiritual director to the occasional seeker, and daily seek out the spirit who never fails to surprise me.